By Dan Harralson
The 2010 SEC Football Media Days has came and went once again. It is an event that occurs once a year, for three days, and anything unexpected can happen. Who would have ever thought that "The Vanderbilt Coach" would be the talk of the event? Robbie Caldwell performed an act that was in relation to Larry the Cable Guy. Robbie Caldwell is now a fan favorite and an encore is wanted at the 2011 SEC Football Media Days (if he is retained.) Derek Dooley is another winner in Hoover, Alabama. The Volunteer State has two head football coaches that are comedians. The difference between the two: Coach Dooley is a lawyer and does not inseminate chickens (plus he is going to be a heck of a coach in this conference.) Another winner is Ryan Mallett from Arkansas. This young man is a poised individual who does not have the word 'me' in his vocabulary. His Razorbacks should finish first in the SEC West, if it was not for Nick Saban, but instead they will finish second. Mallett should be expected to be a top 2011 NFL Draft pick. On to the losers of the 2010 Media Days; we can start with Vandy. I thought I was on Data Drive, in Hoover, for a brief second. The ballroom turned into the Comedy Club, but the act also turned old and un-Vandy like. Dan Mullen receives a bad rap from his performance, too. It was not very classy to always refer to Ole Miss as "the school to the North." Overall, it was a great, fun experience once again at the 2010 SEC Football Media Days. I can't conclude without also mentioning Coach Richt and the famous Shane from Centerpoint. Their two run-in's were great. Richt has a very great shot of winning the SEC East and below you can hear my statement I proposed to him. Shane from Centerpoint; you know your stuff.